Legal Notice

Simulacions Òptiques S.L (Snelloptics)  is a Company whose is located at Sant Quirze Street 91, 5º 2ª, E-08221 Terrassa, Barcelona Spain, with tax identification code (VAT) B63097893, registered on April 23rd, 2.003 in the “Registro Mercantil de Barcelona, Tomo 35469 Folio 0064 Hoja 268810 Inscripción 1ª”.

Simulacions Òptiques S.L. and Snelloptics are registered trademarks in the “Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas, Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología” with numbers 2.542.897 y 2.542.989 in 27th March 2003.

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Contact Phone: +34 902 36 58 92

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The texts, regulations and in general any information contained on the pages of this website are merely for information purposes; hence, we suggest that you check the validity and accuracy of the data.

Simulacions Òptiques S.L. reserves the right to make any changes to the website without prior notice in order to update, correct, modify, add or remove the contents of the website or its design.

Simulacions Òptiques S.L. does not guarantee the lack of errors when accessing the website, in its contents, nor does it guarantee that it is properly up to date, although it will make the necessary efforts to avoid them and, if necessary, to correct them or update them as soon as possible.

Whoever accesses and uses the information of this website is the sole responsible of the way the person does it. Simulacions Òptiques S.L. will not held responsible for any consequences, damage or harm caused by said access to or use of the information, with the exception of all those actions resulting from the application of the legal regulations to which they must submit in the strict exercise of their competences.